


Diamond Six Panther., Bad For Myself (mixing)
Ko T. C., Lands End (mixing)
Plaieboi, Diamant (mixing)
Sam Walters,
Centre St (mixing)
Jack Hamill, °‚°‚°‚°‚°‚°⌠ƞɛᶉ𝐌𝐈𝐃𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐗#5…√ƞɛᶉßʃ▼ßʃ°°ɱ‚°‚°‚°‚°‚°‚° (mastering)
elie mcafee-hahn,
Tetso Cube Lightride (mastering)
Flock Econo, Bluebells (mixing track 4, mastering all tracks)
Lil Hero, Pawwwfect (mix assistant track 5)


Zero100’s Radical Reinvention: episodes 1-12 (theme song composition, editing, repair mixing)
NPR’s Life Kit: Learn the signs of radicalization and how to talk to kids about it (audio repair, mixing)
The Skimm’s Skimm This: Ready for Prime Time—Alpha-Gals Syndrome, Crypto in the Midterms, Intro (audio repair, editing, mixing)
NPR’s All Things Considered: A Black family in Maryland is navigating the economic strain (audio repair, mixing)
NPR’s Weekend Edition: Ukraine's farmers face Russia's blockade and explosives on their lands this harvest (audio repair, mixing)
NPR’s Morning Edition: The debut of 'Omar,' a thoroughly American opera (audio repair, mixing)
The Skimm’s 9 to 5ish: Audrey Cornish (audio repair, editing, mixing with Elie McAfee-Hahn)
The Skimm’s Pop Cultured: Interviews with Daric L. Cottingham and Briana Lawrence (audio repair, editing, mixing)
NPR’s Short Wave: Climate Change Is Tough On Personal Finances (audio repair, mixing)
The Skimm’s Skimm This: Intro, School Safety (audio repair, editing, mixing)

Scoring/Sound Design

Wolf Pup by Dante Capone
Excerpt (rough cut) (2020)